
Treatments aim to improve function and reduce disability. Therefore it is extremely important to begin exercises at a manageable very gentle level and ensure the patient is able to confidently and consistently perform them. The majority of treatments will be associated with some increase of pain however this should be manageable to the patient and should not be extreme. For example if your treatment evokes a 1-2 hour increase in pain and then this settles, your patient may be able to work with that. However, if treatment leads to an increase of pain that lasts for half a day or more then the intensity/ level of this treatment should be adjusted.

If your patient cannot consistently maintain the exercises given to them, or if they push too hard then treatment will result in increased disability, and in decreased function and confidence. 

It is the responsibility of the therapist to adjust and adapt exercises. It is not good practice to tell a patient to stop an activity but it is good practice to adapt the activity so the patient can consistently complete it. Patients should be supported to perform gentle, graded, functionally relevant daily activities/ exercises.

There are several methods that can help to achieve this.